By Anonymous Pilot
I have been stuck in a bout of depression for a few years as I have been deciding between seeking help for my mental illnesses or pursuing aviation and there is a guilt on my shoulders that if anything goes wrong in the cockpit because of mental illness it'd be because I lied and said I was fine to get my medical but then if I dont get to fly then whats the point at all?
I think I am a really good pilot, none of my mental illnesses distract me while driving or flying, but they distract me in other settings such as school and work and I wish I could seek treatment but I cant. Either way its a lose-lose situation.
I either get treated, can't fly, but do well in school or I fly, don't get treated, and who knows what might happen if my mental health gets worse but I don't even want to think about it.
I hope things change as aviation is the only thing keeping me hopeful for my future, I don't know who I would be without it and I think I really excel. I just fear for the rest of my life otherwise, it’s like I'm backed into a corner with no hope to escape. I just want to fly because it's what I'm passionate about.
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